The Principles of Ayurveda | by Cultural Mosaic
Written by | Gaurav Mathur , Edited By | Sneha Rajadhyaksha
As modern science explains that the whole universe is made up of three major component ie. solid, liquid and gases, similarly Ayurveda explains about panch bhautik sidhanta. According the Ayurveda all living and non living beings are originated from panch mahabhuta.
Vayu (air) and Akasha (ether/space)
Agni The Energy (fire) and Jal (water)
Jal (water) and Prithvi (earth)
It is similar to the empty space.Space is the only factor which makes the things to differentiate among themselves.Suppose there are ten stones then due to the space among these stones we can easily differentiate them separately. Now suppose they are placed in a bunch it will be difficult to count it from distance as it will look like one so the space is a factor which provides identity to a substance or work.
It is similar to air. It is that factor which provides movement to every particles or all sorts of movements are carried out by the vayu.
Here agni is that factor which changes the shape or give a particular shape to a substances.
It is the liquid factor which helps to bind different particle. Flour is drought with Water. Water turns the cement into stone. ( here oil is also included in Jal Mahabhuta).
Prithvi is the factor which contains the specific weight. and that factor on which rest of other Mahabhuta acts i.e. Prithvi can be moved by air in a space. Agni provides a particulars shape to prithvi and prithvi can be bind by jal.
Seven dhatus are also formed from the five elements, which represent basic tissue elements in the body:
1) Rasa or chyle, including lymph
2) Rakta or the hemoglobin fraction of the blood
3) Mamsa or muscle tissue
4) Medas or fat tissue
5) Asthi or bone tissue
6) Majja or bone marrow
7) Shukra or the sperm in male and ovum in female
The Ayurvedic Body Types
Today's Ayurvedic physicians, like their predecessors, recognize three major body (or physiology) types which they refer to as the three Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. One's body type is also referred to as one's Prakriti, and is determined by heredity. Most people are actually a combination of types; a Vata/Pitta type for example. Ayurvedic physicians evaluate their patients using techniques such as observation, interview, and pulse diagnosis to determine the patient's body (or physiology) type. They then determine the imbalances that are present in the body and make recommendations according to body type. Dietary and herbal recommendations make up a large part of their treatments; but many other techniques such as meditation, hatha yoga, aroma therapy, and music therapy are also employed.
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